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Sept 2020 Newsletter

Dear Parents, Welcome to the 2020/2021 school year! Well, we made it through the first week of school, and the children are adjusting well to their new school environment. Goodbyes are getting a little easier for all! What a joy to see our returning students who have moved to the…
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Aug 2020

Dear Parents, Through all our crazy circumstances this year we still had a lot of fun this summer, but as usual, it went by way too fast. In a few weeks we will begin our 2020/2021 school year journey. On that note, you will be receiving a notice regarding our…
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July 2020 School News

  Dear Parents, Summer is in full swing at Chesterbrook Academy! Students have done well transitioning to the next level, and are keeping busy with new and exciting summer activities. Students and teachers campus wide worked on skills, while creating crafts and letters for our service men and women. These,…
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June 2020 School News

Hello, Summer! WOW, where did the school year go? June is here and we are gearing up for a variety of fun-filled Summer experiences!  Above and beyond fun summer plans, our Links to Learning curriculum will continue to offer skill-based lessons that are unique, age-appropriate and brought to life in…
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MAY 2020

Wow is it Spring already? I can’t believe how quickly this school year has flown by. We hope all of you have stayed safe through this crazy pandemic. Just know we are open and here for you whenever you feel it is safe to return to school. We are keeping…
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