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March 2020 School News

Dear Parents, We leap into March with excitement that Spring is on its way. We had fun celebrating Valentine’s day,  learned a lot about Black History month, and the importance of Dental Health.  Thank you to all the parents that participated in our Valentine’s Day Project! Our hallways were flourished…
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Posted in Palm Beach Gardens | Comments closed


Dear Families, Welcome to the month of love, February! That only tells me one thing, spring is right around the corner. Even though February is the shortest month of the year, we still have a lot of great activities planned and lots of parent involvement opportunities. Every Friday for the…
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Posted in Palm Beach Gardens | Comments closed


Dear Parents, Well, it is hard to believe that 2020 is already here! I wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead. December was filled with a lot of holiday fun; thank you to everyone that participated in all our festivities. I can truly say beautiful memories were made….
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Posted in Palm Beach Gardens | Comments closed


Dear Parents, We hope your Thanksgiving holiday was filled with gratitude, happiness and relaxation! Last month the children discussed what it meant to be thankful and shared what we were especially thankful for this year. They certainly had a lot of special people and things that they were thankful for….
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Posted in Palm Beach Gardens | Comments closed