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January 2021 Newsletter

From the Principal’s Office Dear Families, Happy New Year! I would like to personally thank each one of you on behalf of myself and the entire Chesterbrook Team for every well wish, wonderful note, card, food, gifts, etc. You always let us know how much you appreciate us and we are…
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December Newsletter

From the Principal’s Office   A Note From Our Principal, We hope that you all had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving with loved ones. As the winter holidays approach, we have many special activities planned for our students and look forward to spending the season with them. We’ve also enclosed…
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November Newsletter

From the Principal’s Office Dear Parents, This month we are focusing on gratitude and connecting with others. Though we cannot hold our normal Thanksgiving community meal this year we have many special activities planned for our students and are looking forward to sharing photos with you all on Links 2…
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October Newsletter

A Note From Our Principal Dear Chesterbrook Families, Fall is in full swing and our students are enjoying the extra outdoor time, nature walks and seasonal curriculum activities. We are planning a few fun fall themed activities for our students this month and are excited to share photos with you…
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September Newsletter

From the Principal’s Office Summer has come to an end and another school year is upon us. We’d like to extend a warm welcome to our new families, and a sincere thank you to returning families and those that chose to spend their summer with us. We enjoyed making memories…
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