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January 2022 Newsletter

Happy New Year! Can you believe we are welcoming in 2022?  How time surely flies and the planning for our second part of the school year is in full force.  We thank you for all the many tokens of appreciation last month.  Your generosity and thoughtfulness is surely special, and…
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December 2021 Newsletter

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!!  We are so excited for the month of December.  December is a time of traditions, celebrations, family and friends!  Throughout the month students will be learning about all of  the holiday symbols, what a tradition is, and sharing their own traditions with…
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November 2021 Newsletter

Happy November and a full month of giving thanks for so many great things.  Thank you all for sending in treats and pumpkins for our  Halloween celebration last month!  Seeing the children in their costumes is always memorable for our staff.  Everyone loved carving, exploring, and decorating pumpkins too. Crisp…
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September 2021 Newsletter

We had a wonderful summer but are thrilled to be kicking off a new school year with all of our families and students both old and new. Our teachers have been working hard  to ensure that this is a productive and fun year for each of our classrooms. To ensure…
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August 2021 Newsletter

It’s hard to believe that it is already August. Summer has moved so fast but we are packing in as much fun as possible! Our children have really enjoyed weekly water play days as well as special guests and activities. It has been exciting to create these memories and make…
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