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October Newsletter

A Note From Our Principal Fall is in full swing and our students are enjoying the extra outdoor time, nature walks and seasonal curriculum activities. We are planning fun fall-themed activities for our students this month and are excited to share photos with you all through Links 2 Home. As…
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September News

A Note From Our Principal Summer has come to an end and another school year is upon us. We’d like to extend a warm welcome to our new families, and a sincere thank you to returning families and those that chose to spend their summer with us. We enjoyed making…
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August News

A Note From Our Principal Thank you all for your participation in our Kids Helping Communities initiative this summer! We are grateful for the opportunity to watch our students serve others these past few weeks and appreciate the role you all had in this. We still have a few more…
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July News

July Newsletter   A Note From Our Principal, Summer is in full swing and we are having a great time teaching and learning with our students! This month we are celebrating Independence Day and campers are jumping into action, playing games, exploring nature, being creative, and participating in other fun…
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June News

June Newsletter   A Note From Our Principal Our teachers and camp counselors have been busy planning special activities to make this summer fun and memorable for our students. Please keep an eye out for communications about activities and events. As always, we are here with any questions or concerns…
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