Links to Parents Preschool Blog

Links to Learning
How Our Literacy-Rich Classrooms Foster a Love of Learning

How Our Literacy-Rich Classrooms Foster a Love of Learning

Our teachers inspire a love of reading and language every day by creating a child-centered, literacy-rich environment where stories, letters, and words are consistently introduced to students. In our classrooms, materials are labeled with photographs and words, vocabulary development is paramount, and children’s writing attempts are apparent. Below are a…
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What Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Looks Like in Our Classrooms

Children learn best, develop self-confidence, and thrive when they feel valued and supported. Because of this, diversity, inclusion, and belonging are hallmarks of our school community. Our teachers strive to cultivate learning environments that foster respect and acceptance and encourage students to learn from and with each other. Our classrooms…
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Math activities for preschoolers

At-Home Math Activities for Infants through Pre-K

Everyday experiences are packed with mathematical concepts that fascinate and challenge children and help them to make sense of their world. Even the youngest infants can begin to foster their math skills by listening to stories that involve counting and repetition. In our classrooms, students learn the foundations of addition,…
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activities to do with your child in spring

4 Educational Activities to Do with Your Child in Spring

Spring is a great time to get outdoors, take advantage of the nice weather, and explore the change of the season. Being outside provides numerous benefits for your child’s developmental growth and physical and mental health. Below are some activities to do this season that are not only fun, but…
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