Links to Parents Preschool Blog

Links to Learning

Embracing Diversity & Traditions of Others

Children as young as two years old begin to notice differences among people. For instance, they may notice differences between boys and girls, or recognize that some families eat different foods or celebrate different holidays than their own family. Research shows that children who learn to have a strong appreciation…
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Branching Out with STEM

There is a wide recognition that American students need broader and deeper science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education; however, many schools do not introduce this interdisciplinary approach until middle school.  At Nobel Learning Communities, we believe that starting STEM education in preschool is important to help students build problem-solving,…
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Winning Bedtime Battles

We’ve all been there. You’ve had a long day, and as bedtime is approaching, your attempts at an easy transition to sleep for your child are met with sharp resistance, outbursts and tears. Rest assured you are not alone. Bedtime battles are a common occurrence for parents of preschoolers. For…
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Healthy Eating Habits

A new school year has begun! As you may know, we’ve recently enhanced our Links to Learning curriculum to add more dimension and depth to our programs, including a greater focus on instilling healthy living habits at an earlier age. We will be working with the children to learn about…
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