In a world where screens dominate attention and digital distractions abound, Chesterbrook Academy Preschool and Elementary takes a refreshing step towards reconnecting students with the wonders of the natural world. The school, known for its innovative approach to education, has opened a brand-new nature trail that promises to be an…
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Exploring Nature’s Classroom: Unveiling the New Nature Trail at Chesterbrook Academy Preschool and Elementary
Reopen/Reunite Plans for the 2020-21 School Year
Please review our comprehensive plan for reopening our school for the 2020-21 school year.
January 16th News
From the Principal: Re-enrollment is in full swing and we do not want you to miss an opportunity to be at the best school in North Raleigh. If you have not submitted your re-enrollment forms, then you have a few more weeks. It is imperative that we get a form from every student so that…
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