Hello Families!!
We had a wonderful month with our students and families in February and can’t wait to see what the next season holds for us. We especially love the spring and summer months because they allow us to spend extra time outside with our students. Our teachers are busy coming up with ways to take their lessons outside as weather permits. Don’t forget that Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 11th!
Amy Costa
Here is a list of activities that is planned for the Month of March:
- 1st: National Pig Day – bring in a stuffed pig to share
- 2nd: Dr Suess’ Birthday – bring in your favorite Dr Suess book

- 2nd: Read Across America Day – we will read our Dr Suess books
- 5th: National Cheese Doodle Day – we will have cheese curls for snack
- 6th: Prince and Princess Day – dress like a price or princess
- 7th: National Cereal Day
- 11th: Daylight Savings End – Spring Forward
- 13th: PJ Day
- 14th: National Pi Day – we will do some graphing activities
- 16th: Wear Green Day
- 20th: First Day of Spring
- 22nd: Puppy Day -bring in a stuffed animal puppy or dog
- 23rd: National Chip and Dip Day – we will have chips and dip for snack
- 26th: Epilepsy Awareness Day – wear purple
- 30th: National Doctors Day – come to school dressed like a doctor
Click here to launch March’s Lunch Menu
- Please be sure to wash your child’s hands upon entry into the classroom. We want to do our best to keep germs at bay!
- Please be sure all schedule changes have been approved by the office.
- Please sign your child in prior to taking them to the classroom and sign them out after you pick them up from their classroom.
- Please do not leave your vehicles running while you are inside the building.
Education Connection
March, 2018
Topics: Language & Literacy
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss Our teachers are dedicated to creating literacy-rich environments every day of the year. March is especially festive because it’s National Reading Month and March 2nd is[.....]
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March News
Hello Families!!
We had a wonderful month with our students and families in February and can’t wait to see what the next season holds for us. We especially love the spring and summer months because they allow us to spend extra time outside with our students. Our teachers are busy coming up with ways to take their lessons outside as weather permits. Don’t forget that Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 11th!
Amy Costa
Here is a list of activities that is planned for the Month of March:
Click here to launch March’s Lunch Menu
Education Connection
Make Reading Fun! Inspire a Love of Books at Every Age
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