Message from the Principal
Summer is off to a great start! We are having a wonderful time with splash days, swimming, puppet shows, and the water ice truck visit. Our weekly changing themes have made for excitement school wide! Each week is filled with activities that have challenged our children to explore more while experiencing new things. We are excited with how our school continues to grow and with the new and lasting friendships the children have been able to make. From our youngest to our oldest the days of adventure have been endless.
Important Dates
- School is closed on Tuesday July 4th
- Kona Water Ice truck visits July 5th
- Popcorn and Cotton Candy Machine July 12th
- Spin Art Day July 26th
Please keep in mind all of our summer safety steps that we have in place. Below is a reminder of these steps:
- Apply sunscreen in the mornings prior to arrival at school. A second application will be applied while at school.
- Please sign your child in and out daily when your child is with you.
- Parents only utilize the IPAD for signing in and out.
- Parent photo is needed for pick up authorization.
- Swim meets are every Tuesday and Thursday starting at 4:30. Be prepared for parking challenges.
News from the Education Department
While traveling with your preschooler, you’ve probably heard him say, “Are we there yet?” or “How much longer?” more times than you can count. Being stuck in the car or on a flight might not seem like the most stimulating activity, but it is possible to engage your child’s mind and[.....]
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July Newsletter
Message from the Principal
Summer is off to a great start! We are having a wonderful time with splash days, swimming, puppet shows, and the water ice truck visit. Our weekly changing themes have made for excitement school wide! Each week is filled with activities that have challenged our children to explore more while experiencing new things. We are excited with how our school continues to grow and with the new and lasting friendships the children have been able to make. From our youngest to our oldest the days of adventure have been endless.
Important Dates
Please keep in mind all of our summer safety steps that we have in place. Below is a reminder of these steps:
News from the Education Department
“Are We There Yet?”: 5 Fun Activities for the Road
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