Spring has arrived! We are so excited for all the wonderful learning opportunities that come with the season! Our classrooms are busy learning about living things. There are seeds being planted and bugs being explored! April has some of our most favorite events of the year.
We will be learning about taking care of our world the week of April 17th. The culmination of this will be
our annual lady bug release. We will be releasing 9000 ladybugs into the environment. Why ladybugs? Ladybugs are kind of like natures natural pesticide. They eat harmful bugs and eggs. So we release ladybugs to help our environment. (Maybe they will eat all the mosquitoes!!!)
April we also celebrate The Week of the Young Child. The Week of the Young Child™ is an annual celebration hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) celebrating early learning, young children, their teachers and families. We will have a different focus each day. Friday, there will be a brown bag breakfast available for parents to take with them. 
Happy Spring!
Here are some of our fun things we have planned for the month of April:
- 3rd: Find a Rainbow Day
- 5th: Read a Map Day
- 6th: Student Athlete Day: Dress for your favorite sport
- 7th: Silly Shirt Day: Wear your silliest shirt

- 10th: Passover Begins at Sundown
- 11th: National Pet Day: Bring in a picture of your pet
- 12th: Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day: We will enjoy a grilled cheese for lunch
- 13th: Annual Spring Egg Hunt!
- 16th: Happy Easter
- 17th: It is Earth Day Week: We will do a trash walk
- 18th: National Wear your Pajamas to Work Day
- 19th: We will make Recycled Art today
- 21st: Annual Lady Bug Launch at 10am
- The week of April 24th is The Week of the Young Child
- 24th:Music Monday
- 25th: Tasty Tuesday
- 26th: Work Together Wednesday
- 27th: Artsy Thursday
- 27th: Art Show
- 28th: Family Friday
Click here for the April 2017 Menu
- Please be sure to wash your child’s hands upon entry into the classroom. We want to do our best to keep germs at bay!
- Please be sure all schedule changes have been approved by the office.
- Please sign your child in prior to taking them to the classroom.
- Please do not leave your vehicles running while you are inside the building.
Education Connection
We’ve all been there. The alarm goes off and chaos ensues. You quickly shower and get dressed, and then wake your child up for the day. As you’re frantically looking for your car keys, she’s running around searching for her matching shoe. All of this is happening before you’ve had[.....]
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April News
Spring has arrived! We are so excited for all the wonderful learning opportunities that come with the season! Our classrooms are busy learning about living things. There are seeds being planted and bugs being explored! April has some of our most favorite events of the year.
We will be learning about taking care of our world the week of April 17th. The culmination of this will be
our annual lady bug release. We will be releasing 9000 ladybugs into the environment. Why ladybugs? Ladybugs are kind of like natures natural pesticide. They eat harmful bugs and eggs. So we release ladybugs to help our environment. (Maybe they will eat all the mosquitoes!!!)
April we also celebrate The Week of the Young Child. The Week of the Young Child™ is an annual celebration hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) celebrating early learning, young children, their teachers and families. We will have a different focus each day. Friday, there will be a brown bag breakfast available for parents to take with them.
Happy Spring!
Here are some of our fun things we have planned for the month of April:
Click here for the April 2017 Menu
Education Connection
5 Tips for Easing the Morning Madness
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