Dear Parents,
October was a fun and busy month! Our Trunk or Treat was a HUGE success. Special thanks to our families who donated treats, and worked at the event. Congratulations to Pre-K, room 8, for winning the Character Pumpkin contest with, “The Smart Cookie” pumpkin, snacks, and scenery. All classrooms created fun seasonal projects, learned about fire safety, and enjoyed our school’s Fall and Halloween parties. Thank you very much for being so generous, your enthusiastic participation in our seasonal events is much appreciated.
The next big school event will be our “Bake Sale” starting Thursday, November 7th, and ending on the 8th. We sure have a lot to be thankful for this year. Along with planning for a fun-filled month, the children will learn the meaning of giving through theme-related activities, which include a “Canned Food Drive.” This year we are partnering with the House of Hope to help those less fortunate in our area. Beginning Tuesday, November 12th you will see a drop-off box for non-perishable food items. Our elementary after-school children will deliver donations to the House of Hope on Monday, November 25th. What a great learning experience this will be for our elementary-age kids!
Our teachers are enthusiastic about developing lifelong learners. They genuinely care about children and have the sensitivity and knowledge to understand a child’s individual developmental needs and learning styles. They take the time to help each child discover, in his or her own way, a fascinating world of learning through play.
We help our teachers keep current with the latest techniques by sponsoring professional development days. Internal and external consultants train our teachers through hands-on workshops. Staff members are required, by the state of Florida, to complete ten or more hours of training each year. Chesterbrook Academy closes its doors twice a year for professional development. We chose Veteran’s Day, 11/11 as our training day because public schools, banks, and government offices will be closed; Therefore, closing would negatively affect fewer families. We look forward to sharing learning experiences with other dedicated Chesterbrook Academy teachers in Florida; and appreciate your support as we empower our teachers to meet the needs of our children.
Parent Survey Reminder: Our enrolled parent survey launched in October. If you have not received the email, please let us know so we can request it be resent. The survey will provide an opportunity to give us feedback anonymously, on our strengths and areas we should work on.
October, 2024
Topics: Mathematical Thinking
Introducing toddlers to math concepts through games, songs, and puzzles are just some ways to spark curiosity and make learning about colors, shapes, numbers, and other important math concepts fun. Our Links to Learning curriculum combines learning with play, introducing toddlers to geometry and relationships, problem-solving skills and reasoning, simple[.....]
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The purpose of our sick policy is to reduce the spread of illness among our students and to encourage full recuperation of sick children before they return to school. We depend on parents to assist us in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all of our children.
Children may be sent home if they have any concerning symptoms. Also, a child must be free of all of these symptoms for at least 24 hours before he/she can return to school. These symptoms include:
- A Fever of 100 degrees or more
- Vomiting within the previous 24-hour period
- Diarrhea within the previous 24-hour period
- Symptoms of a communicable disease
- Fussy, cranky behavior and not himself/ herself
- Green runny nose
Following an illness, a child may return to school once he/she has either been seen by a doctor or it has been determined that illness is not contagious. (A doctor’s clearance may be requested.) Please help us keep all of our children healthy by following these rules. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you for your support!
TUITION: Tuition is due the 1st business day of every month. Accounts not paid in full by 12:00 pm the second business day of every month will automatically receive a late fee of $30. If tuition is not paid in full by the 5th business day of each month, your child may not attend until the balance is paid in its entirety. Failure to comply with tuition policies will result in a notice of dis-enrollment. If you’d like to sign up for our ACH program, which automatically pulls your monthly tuition from the account of your choice the 1st business day of every month, just let us know, and we will help get you enrolled.
ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS FEES: In September, enrichments will be starting again with Amazing Athletes, Dancing Little Stars and Computer Classes. The cost for Computer Kids is $65 per month for a 30-minute session on Mondays once per week. The cost for Amazing Athletes is $70 per month for a 30-minute session on Wednesdays once per week. The cost for Dancing Little Stars is $65 per month for a 45-minute session on Wednesdays once per week.
CATERED LUNCH PROGRAM: ADVANCE ORDERING REQUIRED Monthly lunch order forms are available two weeks before each new month. Please be sure to turn your lunch order in with payment no later than the posted deadline. Late orders may not be honored. Pizza Friday orders for the entire month must also be turned in by the deadline. Ordering lunch is an optional service. You may also send lunch from home.
Happy Thanksgiving,

Jennifer Castillo, Principal
Michelle Middleton, Assistant Principal
Danielle Podlas, Office Administrator
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Parent News: November 2024
Dear Parents,
October was a fun and busy month! Our Trunk or Treat was a HUGE success. Special thanks to our families who donated treats, and worked at the event. Congratulations to Pre-K, room 8, for winning the Character Pumpkin contest with, “The Smart Cookie” pumpkin, snacks, and scenery. All classrooms created fun seasonal projects, learned about fire safety, and enjoyed our school’s Fall and Halloween parties. Thank you very much for being so generous, your enthusiastic participation in our seasonal events is much appreciated.
The next big school event will be our “Bake Sale” starting Thursday, November 7th, and ending on the 8th. We sure have a lot to be thankful for this year. Along with planning for a fun-filled month, the children will learn the meaning of giving through theme-related activities, which include a “Canned Food Drive.” This year we are partnering with the House of Hope to help those less fortunate in our area. Beginning Tuesday, November 12th you will see a drop-off box for non-perishable food items. Our elementary after-school children will deliver donations to the House of Hope on Monday, November 25th. What a great learning experience this will be for our elementary-age kids!
Our teachers are enthusiastic about developing lifelong learners. They genuinely care about children and have the sensitivity and knowledge to understand a child’s individual developmental needs and learning styles. They take the time to help each child discover, in his or her own way, a fascinating world of learning through play.
We help our teachers keep current with the latest techniques by sponsoring professional development days. Internal and external consultants train our teachers through hands-on workshops. Staff members are required, by the state of Florida, to complete ten or more hours of training each year. Chesterbrook Academy closes its doors twice a year for professional development. We chose Veteran’s Day, 11/11 as our training day because public schools, banks, and government offices will be closed; Therefore, closing would negatively affect fewer families. We look forward to sharing learning experiences with other dedicated Chesterbrook Academy teachers in Florida; and appreciate your support as we empower our teachers to meet the needs of our children.
Parent Survey Reminder: Our enrolled parent survey launched in October. If you have not received the email, please let us know so we can request it be resent. The survey will provide an opportunity to give us feedback anonymously, on our strengths and areas we should work on.
8 Fun Math Activities for Toddlers
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The purpose of our sick policy is to reduce the spread of illness among our students and to encourage full recuperation of sick children before they return to school. We depend on parents to assist us in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all of our children.
Children may be sent home if they have any concerning symptoms. Also, a child must be free of all of these symptoms for at least 24 hours before he/she can return to school. These symptoms include:
Following an illness, a child may return to school once he/she has either been seen by a doctor or it has been determined that illness is not contagious. (A doctor’s clearance may be requested.) Please help us keep all of our children healthy by following these rules. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you for your support!
TUITION: Tuition is due the 1st business day of every month. Accounts not paid in full by 12:00 pm the second business day of every month will automatically receive a late fee of $30. If tuition is not paid in full by the 5th business day of each month, your child may not attend until the balance is paid in its entirety. Failure to comply with tuition policies will result in a notice of dis-enrollment. If you’d like to sign up for our ACH program, which automatically pulls your monthly tuition from the account of your choice the 1st business day of every month, just let us know, and we will help get you enrolled.
ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS FEES: In September, enrichments will be starting again with Amazing Athletes, Dancing Little Stars and Computer Classes. The cost for Computer Kids is $65 per month for a 30-minute session on Mondays once per week. The cost for Amazing Athletes is $70 per month for a 30-minute session on Wednesdays once per week. The cost for Dancing Little Stars is $65 per month for a 45-minute session on Wednesdays once per week.
CATERED LUNCH PROGRAM: ADVANCE ORDERING REQUIRED Monthly lunch order forms are available two weeks before each new month. Please be sure to turn your lunch order in with payment no later than the posted deadline. Late orders may not be honored. Pizza Friday orders for the entire month must also be turned in by the deadline. Ordering lunch is an optional service. You may also send lunch from home.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Jennifer Castillo, Principal
Michelle Middleton, Assistant Principal
Danielle Podlas, Office Administrator