A Note From Our Principal
Will “Punxsutawney Phil” see his shadow on February 2nd?
We hope the snowy weather will pass quickly as the children miss going outdoors for gross motor play. On days where weather is 25 degrees or more we are required to take children outdoors per DHS regulations for a short period of time. This benefits children to breathe in fresh air. Please make sure they have weather appropriate attire to engage is gross motor activities outdoors.
Our activities for February can be found on our Activity Calendar that went home in the monthly folders or on our website. Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. You should have received a Valentine Card Exchange list in your monthly folder for children to share cards. This is a great way to teach social skills and literacy to your children. Valentine Class Parties will be on Friday, February 12th. Please contact your child’s teacher via Tadpoles for items needed.
February is also Black History Month, some of our classes will be reading and learning about important historical figures. We will be sending home clouds for your family to share your dreams as Martin Luther King, Jr. shared his with the world 57 years ago.
A reminder that Monday, February 15th Chesterbrook Academy will be closed for a Professional Development Day for staff. We thank our families for allowing us this time to us to train our teachers in the field of Early Childhood Education.
Thank you for allowing us to care for your most precious possessions every day!
Warmest Regards,
Jessica Fishel,

Priority Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year
Are you planning on re-enrolling for the next school year? We hope so! Re-enroll by February 19th and receive 50% off registration. Look for further communication on this throughout the month. Our management team is available to address any questions or concerns you have.
Love Our School? Review Us!
In today’s connected world, many families turn to online reviews to learn more about the reputation of schools. Just a reminder that you can find our school on Facebook, Google, Yelp and other online directories. We’d love more families like yours, so please consider spreading the word about our school.
Class Valentine’s Day Celebrations
Our classes will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on February 12th with a special craft and snack. We’ll share photos of the fun activities on Links 2 Home!
Important Dates
February 9th—Return Family Dream Clouds
February 12th—Classroom Valentine’s Day celebrations
February 15th—Chesterbrook Academy Closed for Professional Development
February 26th—Parent folders go home
New On Our Preschool Blog
February, 2021
A Note From Our Principal Greetings! Will “Punxsutawney Phil” see his shadow on February 2nd? We hope the snowy weather will pass quickly as the children miss going outdoors for gross motor play. On days where weather is 25 degrees or more we are required to take children outdoors[.....]
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February 2021 Blog
A Note From Our Principal
Will “Punxsutawney Phil” see his shadow on February 2nd?
We hope the snowy weather will pass quickly as the children miss going outdoors for gross motor play. On days where weather is 25 degrees or more we are required to take children outdoors per DHS regulations for a short period of time. This benefits children to breathe in fresh air. Please make sure they have weather appropriate attire to engage is gross motor activities outdoors.
Our activities for February can be found on our Activity Calendar that went home in the monthly folders or on our website. Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. You should have received a Valentine Card Exchange list in your monthly folder for children to share cards. This is a great way to teach social skills and literacy to your children. Valentine Class Parties will be on Friday, February 12th. Please contact your child’s teacher via Tadpoles for items needed.
February is also Black History Month, some of our classes will be reading and learning about important historical figures. We will be sending home clouds for your family to share your dreams as Martin Luther King, Jr. shared his with the world 57 years ago.
A reminder that Monday, February 15th Chesterbrook Academy will be closed for a Professional Development Day for staff. We thank our families for allowing us this time to us to train our teachers in the field of Early Childhood Education.
Thank you for allowing us to care for your most precious possessions every day!
Warmest Regards,
Jessica Fishel,
Priority Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year
Are you planning on re-enrolling for the next school year? We hope so! Re-enroll by February 19th and receive 50% off registration. Look for further communication on this throughout the month. Our management team is available to address any questions or concerns you have.
Love Our School? Review Us!
In today’s connected world, many families turn to online reviews to learn more about the reputation of schools. Just a reminder that you can find our school on Facebook, Google, Yelp and other online directories. We’d love more families like yours, so please consider spreading the word about our school.
Class Valentine’s Day Celebrations
Our classes will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on February 12th with a special craft and snack. We’ll share photos of the fun activities on Links 2 Home!
Important Dates
February 9th—Return Family Dream Clouds
February 12th—Classroom Valentine’s Day celebrations
February 15th—Chesterbrook Academy Closed for Professional Development
February 26th—Parent folders go home
New On Our Preschool Blog
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