Message from the Principal
What an exciting school year we have had! There have been many changes and many new students added to our CBA family here in Wayne. With the Summer months upon us I want to first thank all of the families for helping to make our digital sign in and out procedure so smooth. Please keep in mind that you need to have your child with you when signing in or out. This will help the process for the teachers role more accurate. You will also be receiving paperwork that we need to update your child’s student file. Our prices will be changing on June 12th and we want to be sure that we have the supporting documents to these changes. Please continue to check your child’s cubby or mailbox to make sure you have these forms and that they are returned in a timely manner. Below you will note a few reminders that will be happening during the month of June. As always I have an open door policy and if you have any questions feel free to stop in.
Important Dates
- 12th is the first day of Camp
- 15th Yellow Dyno safety presentation
- 16th Father’s Day celebration (stay tuned for updates)
- Check your child’s cubby and stock with weather appropriate clothing.
- Apply sunscreen in the mornings prior to drop off.
- Check for paperwork in your child’s cubby or mailbox.
- Sign your child in or out when they are with you daily.
News from the Education Department
Although biting among toddlers is a common developmental behavior, it can be upsetting for both adults and children. Toddlers may bite out of anger, frustration or a need for control and attention. Instead of being able to say, “I am sad,” or “I wanted that toy,” they bite as a[.....]
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June Newsletter
Message from the Principal
What an exciting school year we have had! There have been many changes and many new students added to our CBA family here in Wayne. With the Summer months upon us I want to first thank all of the families for helping to make our digital sign in and out procedure so smooth. Please keep in mind that you need to have your child with you when signing in or out. This will help the process for the teachers role more accurate. You will also be receiving paperwork that we need to update your child’s student file. Our prices will be changing on June 12th and we want to be sure that we have the supporting documents to these changes. Please continue to check your child’s cubby or mailbox to make sure you have these forms and that they are returned in a timely manner. Below you will note a few reminders that will be happening during the month of June. As always I have an open door policy and if you have any questions feel free to stop in.
Important Dates
News from the Education Department
Toddlers and Biting: Tips You Can Sink Your Teeth Into
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