June is here! It’s a bittersweet time as we say good-bye to some of our students and families! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to work with such wonderful children and families! We wish everyone the best as they venture to Kindergarten and beyond!
We are also excited to see some old friends return! Our School Age Camp Zone is a busy place! It’s always fun to see how much everyone has grown over the school year! Welcome back!!!
The children have learned so much this year! And the learning will continue over the summer. Our Links to Learning Curriculum doesn’t stop. We are excited to begin water play activities! This is another opportunity for learning. Be sure to speak with your child’s teacher to find out what days your child will do water play.
We look forward to fun in the summer sun!

Here are some of our fun things we have planned for the month of June:
- 1st: Say Something Nice Day
- 5th: Hot Air Balloon Day
- 7th: Running Day: Wear your sneakers!
- 9th: Donald Duck Day: Wear or Bring something Disney

- 12th: Waterplay Begins
- 13th: Hero Day: Dress as your favorite Hero; but remember, no weapons.
- 14th: Flag Day: Wear Red, White, and Blue
- 16th: Fun with Fathers
- 18th: Happy Father’s Day
- 20th: Ice Cream Soda Day
- 21st: National Selfie Day
- 21st: Yoga Day: Wear your yoga pants
- 22nd: Bike Day
- 23rd: National Pink Day: Wear Pink
- 26th: Beautician’s Day: Crazy Hair Day
- 27th: Sunglasses Day: Wear your Sunglasses
- 29th: International Mud Day
- Every Tuesday we will have an ice cream truck visit us. The cost is $1-$2 for an ice cream treat.
Click Here to see the June Lunch Calendar
- Please be sure to wash your child’s hands upon entry into the classroom. We want to do our best to keep germs at bay!
- Please be sure all schedule changes have been approved by the office.
- Please sign your child in prior to taking them to the classroom and sign them out after you pick them up from their classroom.
- Please do not leave your vehicles running while you are inside the building.
Education Connection
Although biting among toddlers is a common developmental behavior, it can be upsetting for both adults and children. Toddlers may bite out of anger, frustration or a need for control and attention. Instead of being able to say, “I am sad,” or “I wanted that toy,” they bite as a[.....]
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June News
June is here! It’s a bittersweet time as we say good-bye to some of our students and families! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to work with such wonderful children and families! We wish everyone the best as they venture to Kindergarten and beyond!
We are also excited to see some old friends return! Our School Age Camp Zone is a busy place! It’s always fun to see how much everyone has grown over the school year! Welcome back!!!
The children have learned so much this year! And the learning will continue over the summer. Our Links to Learning Curriculum doesn’t stop. We are excited to begin water play activities! This is another opportunity for learning. Be sure to speak with your child’s teacher to find out what days your child will do water play.
We look forward to fun in the summer sun!
Here are some of our fun things we have planned for the month of June:
Click Here to see the June Lunch Calendar
Education Connection
Toddlers and Biting: Tips You Can Sink Your Teeth Into
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