Message from the Principal:
April showers bring May flowers! Let’s see what the weather has in store for us! We have many fun activities planned for the month of April here at school. So far picture day was a huge success and our scholastic book fair provided many books for each of our classrooms. Thank you to all who purchased and donated books.
Most importantly in March our parent survey’s were completed and we want you to know, your voice matters! We have read your responses and look forward to working with you to make our school better by incorporating some of your ideas and suggestions.
As we spring into a new season we are excited to announce that our Spring Egg Hunt will be on Thursday April 13th! If you have any plastic eggs, stuffed or empty, please feel free to donate them to the school for our hunt. We are having the Spring Bunny visit the day of our hunt as well, shhh don’t tell the children! Nature Jack will be joining us on the 14th to share some of the mysteries of science with us. It will be a day of splish, splash, and slime!
If you have not done so, please turn in your registration for the Fall 2017-2018 school year. We look forward to having you back with us and would like to also invite new families to join us as well. Keep in mind the registration process for Summer camp is still going on. Children in Toddlers through Kindergarten need to register for the summer program. Below are the important dates for the month of April:
- Fall Registration
- Summer Camp Registrations
- Spring Egg Hunt on the 13th
- Nature Jack Science show on the 14th
Please check your child’s cubby and replenish it with two changes of clothes. We would like to continue to take the children outside, so be sure your child has a coat/jacket to wear. If they do not wear it to school, please leave one in their cubby for days when there may be a breeze.
From the Education Department:
We’ve all been there. The alarm goes off and chaos ensues. You quickly shower and get dressed, and then wake your child up for the day. As you’re frantically looking for your car keys, she’s running around searching for her matching shoe. All of this is happening before you’ve had[.....]
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April Newsletter
Message from the Principal:
April showers bring May flowers! Let’s see what the weather has in store for us! We have many fun activities planned for the month of April here at school. So far picture day was a huge success and our scholastic book fair provided many books for each of our classrooms. Thank you to all who purchased and donated books.
Most importantly in March our parent survey’s were completed and we want you to know, your voice matters! We have read your responses and look forward to working with you to make our school better by incorporating some of your ideas and suggestions.
As we spring into a new season we are excited to announce that our Spring Egg Hunt will be on Thursday April 13th! If you have any plastic eggs, stuffed or empty, please feel free to donate them to the school for our hunt. We are having the Spring Bunny visit the day of our hunt as well, shhh don’t tell the children! Nature Jack will be joining us on the 14th to share some of the mysteries of science with us. It will be a day of splish, splash, and slime!
If you have not done so, please turn in your registration for the Fall 2017-2018 school year. We look forward to having you back with us and would like to also invite new families to join us as well. Keep in mind the registration process for Summer camp is still going on. Children in Toddlers through Kindergarten need to register for the summer program. Below are the important dates for the month of April:
Please check your child’s cubby and replenish it with two changes of clothes. We would like to continue to take the children outside, so be sure your child has a coat/jacket to wear. If they do not wear it to school, please leave one in their cubby for days when there may be a breeze.
From the Education Department:
5 Tips for Easing the Morning Madness
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