November News
Dear Parents,
We had a fantastic October and are well on our way through fall, we are excited for the November events that we have planned! This month we will have a Mystery Reader, share a thankful wall with your thoughts and comments about the teachers, and we are looking forward to our Thanksgiving Feast at the end of the month. With November being a month of thanks we will be placing a donation box in the lobby for any new or gently used clothes. The donations will be taken to a local shelter that is for women and children only. We will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 24th.

Reminder we will be closed on Tuesday, November 8th. It is our Staff Development Day where we will train and share with the teachers all of the valuable knowledge gained at conference last month.
With the weather getting colder please remember that we still make every attempt to get the children outdoors. Please check your child’s cubby space to be sure they have weather appropriate clothing and that a jacket is being worn to school.
Thank you again for choosing Chesterbrook Academy for your child’s academic experience.
From our Education Department
With cooler weather and Thanksgiving right around the corner, many of us will be spending more time in the kitchen. Use this time to invite your child to join you in the meal-making experience. As he is exposed to new foods and food preparation, he will begin to feel more[.....]
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Tracy Anderson
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November News
November News
Dear Parents,
We had a fantastic October and are well on our way through fall, we are excited for the November events that we have planned! This month we will have a Mystery Reader, share a thankful wall with your thoughts and comments about the teachers, and we are looking forward to our Thanksgiving Feast at the end of the month. With November being a month of thanks we will be placing a donation box in the lobby for any new or gently used clothes. The donations will be taken to a local shelter that is for women and children only. We will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 24th.
Reminder we will be closed on Tuesday, November 8th. It is our Staff Development Day where we will train and share with the teachers all of the valuable knowledge gained at conference last month.
With the weather getting colder please remember that we still make every attempt to get the children outdoors. Please check your child’s cubby space to be sure they have weather appropriate clothing and that a jacket is being worn to school.
Thank you again for choosing Chesterbrook Academy for your child’s academic experience.
From our Education Department
Learning Through the Joy of Cooking
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Tracy Anderson